Tampa’s Main Street Receives $6M in Funding

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On November 14th, Tampa City Council unanimously approved the Tampa Downtown Partnership’s (TDP) Franklin Street Vision project in a $6 Million investment.

The $6 Million will be spread over three years and will come from the Downtown CRA using taxes generated Downtown that must be spent on projects that benefit downtown — and not from the general City of Tampa budget. * So, this is money collected Downtown that must be spent Downtown, by law.

The TDP’s vision is to promote an activated and vibrant main street: retail, mixed uses, programmed events, improved streetscape, better lighting, and to restore, preserve, and celebrate historic Identity.

Historically, Tampa has had 4 urban cores: Downtown, Central Ave, Ybor, and West Tampa. Franklin Street was the main corridor from Fort Brooke to the new suburbs in the late 1800s. The street included Tampa’s first bank, first brick building, first apartment building, and was the city’s “Main Street” destination for shopping.

Look at these old photos and notice the life Franklin Street once had. The transit of the streetcar, the shopping, and people enjoying the cityscape. Suburban development in the mid-century eventually killed shopping on Franklin, and the street has decayed since.

The improvements in this project are a “generational investment bringing a once thriving corridor back to life” – Karen Kress, Senior Director of Transportation and Planning for the TDP.

Notable Vision Highlights:

– Check out the “Mini Sparkman Wharf” across from the old Hall on Franklin, with shipping container micro retail and public park.
– Underground garbage collection to save space and keep the streets clean
– Branded “Franklin Street” signs and walkway, similar to Boston’s “Freedom Trail”
– Uncovering asphalted historic brick streets along Franklin Street, especially in the north sections.

This is a fantastic vision for Franklin Street, and perfect example of how a CRA is an effective tool for revitalizing urban areas. Tampa is getting back its Main Street, all with dollars collected and reinvested Downtown.